The PSK Environmental team wish to congratulate our leader, Dr Silvana Santomartino as the recipient of 2021 LJH Teakle Medal awarded by Soil Science Australia (SSA) for outstanding effort in promoting and raising the awareness of soil science through activity with SSA and the wider community.
Silvana was nominated for the national award by her peers within SSA for her voluntary work over the past 15 years. The judges acknowledged “the depth and breadth of Silvana’s outreach from Kindergarten kids to the World Science Festival, and for engaging with engineering, land management, environmental and contaminated land bodies, local council and university students”.
Silvana’s impressive extension activities include
- Organising and running training and presentations on acid sulfate soil management and national guidelines
- Organising soil judging, field trips, world soil day events, art in soil exhibitions, interactive displays at the World Science festival, while on the QLD state committee, including President
- Engaging with professional societies and consultant groups
- Engaging public and school students by events throughout Queensland
- Volunteer for Cubberla Witton Catchment Network, informing public about soil testing local soil science
Congratulations Silvana!